UKAS accredited calibration services.
Our calibration and testing labs are accredited by UKAS to ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Our calibration and testing labs are accredited by UKAS to ISO/IEC 17025:2017
No. 0054, 0450 and Testing Laboratory No. 1366
We provide UKAS accredited calibrations for mass weight equipment, non-automatic weighing machines, force and load cell testing.
Visit the following UKAS pages to see the certificates, and schedules for our accredited calibration and test capabilities
Mass Calibration: Certificate | Schedule
Force: Certificate | Schedule
Loadcell and Metrology testing: Certificate | Schedule
Quantity discounts available when booking in 10 or more items for calibration.
At our Birmingham based Calibration Laboratory, our team of experienced calibration technicians perform comprehensive calibration services on a variety of metrology equipment including force device and mass weights, all using state-of-the-art calibration equipment.
Our mass calibration laboratory is accredited by UKAS to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 to calibrate mass weights.
Our highly trained calibration technicians can calibrate F1 and F2 mass weights from 1mg to 20kg, and M1 mass weights from 1mg to 25kg, using state-of-the-art mass comparators. Our mass weight calibration service also covers the reporting of convention mass, expanded uncertainty and traceability in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements.
Our mass calibration laboratory will provide you with a UKAS calibration certificate, traceable to national and international standards, which shows the results from your mass weight calibration, including any uncertainties and other information required by the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
If your mass weights are out of tolerance, our calibration technicians can make weight adjustments on-site at our calibration laboratory.
Our force calibration laboratory is accredited by UKAS to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 to carry out calibrations in both tension and compression of force proving devices, load cells and other force measuring devices in the ranges of 2.2N to 356N, 0.04kN to 11kN and 5.5kN to 500kN using three highly accurate deadweight machines.
Force calibrations can be performed in accordance to BS EN ISO 376:2011 and ASTM E74-18 as well as to customer-specific calibration requirements.
All our force calibrations are carried out using the 1:1 deadweight method, without the use of levers or other force magnification devices. This provides the most accurate method of force calibration and is traceable to national and international calibration standards.
With nearly 50 years of experience in the calibration of force proving devices, load cells and other force measuring devices we are able to apply a world-class level of expertise to the calibration of a wide variety of devices, including highly specialised and unique equipment.
In addition to the laboratory’s force calibration capabilities, we are able to offer accredited testing of loadcells up to 50 tonne capacity to OIML R60 Edition 2000 (E). We have full climatic chamber facilities covering the -10ᵒC to +40ᵒC temperature range, and the associated humidity-cycling facilities.
Our team of technicians are able to carry out pressure gauge calibrations to both EN 837-1:1998 and EN 837-3:1998 standards on your site.
Our calibration team use the latest pneumatic and hydraulic pressure testing equipment to provide extremely accurate calibration results for vacuum gauges, pressure gauges, digital pressure indicators, pressure manometers, pressure transducers, pressure sensors, and pressure transmitters.
Calibrations take place using multiple pressure test pumps (both pneumatic and hydraulic), along with highly accurate digital reference gauges (with an accuracy of up to 0.02% of the measurement range).
Pneumatic pressure testing is carried out up to a maximum of 2,900psi (200 bar). All tests over that range take place using hydraulic testing equipment which is carried out up to a maximum of 60,000psi (4,200 bar).
The pressure equipment listed above can also be calibrated through atmospheric pressure testing. Due to the accuracy of the test equipment, this type of calibration provides very small uncertainties on all measurements.
We offer calibrations on a range of temperature measuring equipment, including thermometers, thermocouples and temperature instruments. All temperature equipment calibrations carried out in our calibration laboratory are performed using state-of-the-art metrology wells and highly accurate reference probes.
Our team are able to calibrate a range of temperature probes, including thermistors, base metal and noble metal thermocouples, and 2,3 and 4 wire PRTs. Using the metrology well calibration method, probes can be calibrated over a temperature range of -45ᵒC to +660ᵒC.
Our calibration laboratory is also equipped to calibrate a range of temperature equipment using an electrical simulation process, including, digital thermometers, temperature controllers (with both calibration and digital read outs), and temperature indicators.
The calibration of all temperature measuring equipment is traceable to national standards.
Our calibration team can offer calibrations of torque equipment to both the EN ISO 6789:2003 (withdrawn) and the new EN ISO 6789:2017 standards. We calibrate all brands of torque wrench, up to 2500 N.m. at your site to reduce operational downtime.
Read more about our UKAS accreditations on our blog.
Let our expert team help you with your UKAS requirements.