The metrology resource centre.

Welcome to calibration select’s metrology resource centre.

Here you’ll find best practice advice, information, news and guidance on all things metrology calibration.

Calibration select – what makes us different?

We’re different from the industry’s other metrology calibration providers. Find out what sets us apart…

Unearthing the true cost of multiple suppliers

As the world starts to recover from the economic damage caused by Covid-19, businesses will undoubtedly need to start looking at ways to become more profitable in order to survive.

Procurement departments are usually first under the microscope, and many procurement teams tasked with finding cost-saving initiatives will usually start by sourcing cheaper products and services.

But even if you are paying the lowest price for your products and services – it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve paid the lowest cost overall.

Find out the hidden costs of multiple suppliers that could be affecting your bottom line.

The secret sauce to metrology equipment calibrations. A guide to simpler, less time-consuming calibrations for QA teams

Although arranging calibrations tends to be just one small part of a QA team’s busy role, it’s a critical part of any quality process thanks to the penalties involved in missing a calibration.

This guide will show you how to simplify your metrology equipment calibration process – freeing up more time and resource to focus on other projects.

Why are metrology calibrations so misunderstood? The three common reasons affecting every business

Despite the broad uses for metrology equipment and the reliance on it to perform day-to-day tasks, many businesses have admitted to having a lack of understanding when it comes to metrology equipment calibrations.

Our calibration experts have worked with thousands of companies across the UK and have found three common issues contributing to the misunderstanding of metrology calibrations.

In this guide we’ll examine each of the three issues, as well as giving our recommendations to improve each area.

Choosing the right metrology calibration partner

Choosing a metrology calibration supplier can be a minefield, with many calibration providers across the UK all seemingly offering a similar service.

Whether you’re happy with your current calibration provider or you know there is room for improvement, read this guide to find out if you’re being short-changed then use it to set the precedent when it’s time to look for a new calibration partner.

Asset scan: hassle-free asset list collation

Having an accurate asset list plays an important part in ensuring your equipment calibrations and periodical audits run smoothly – but many businesses don’t have the resource available to dedicate to building an asset list.

With our asset collation service, Asset Scan, our calibration experts will build a detailed metrology and weighing asset list for your business, giving you swifter audits, asset traceability at your fingertips, and significantly reducing the risk of a non-conformance because of missed calibrations.

Find out how it works…

Caring for your hand weights: the best practice guide

If you use hand weights to calibrate equipment, as process checks, or to provide a reference weight, it’s important you care for your weights correctly as they are prone to wear and contamination through daily use. Even the smallest oversight can cause weights to become damaged, and damaged weights which are out of tolerance will not provide you with accurate results.

This guide recommends best practice advice on cleaning, handling, storage and calibration of your weights – helping you to maintain and keep them accurate for years to come!

Your new one-stop-shop calibration solution

Find out why we’re different to your current calibration and asset management provider…


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Can’t see the items you need calibrating above?

We can calibrate much more than the items we’ve listed above, including electrical, pressure, temperature, weight and mass, so please drop us a message with your requirements and we’ll provide you with a quick, no-obligation quote.


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