Build an up-to-date asset list with asset scan.
Your asset list collation service for metrology and weighing devices.
Your asset list collation service for metrology and weighing devices.
We offer our Asset Scan service to help you manage your assets and keep you audit-ready and compliant.
One of our trusted calibration experts will attend your site and perform a search for all of your metrology and weighing assets. These assets will then be logged in a database, accessible by you, with the following level of detail assigned:
Not only will you gain a highly accurate data list and tool which you can use to manage your assets going forward, you will also benefit from the following:
Creating an asset list is a very time-consuming process but it is vitally important when it comes to the smooth running of your equipment calibrations and your periodical audits. Putting in the work upfront can save huge amounts of time further down the line, meaning swifter audits, asset traceability at your fingertips and significantly reduces the risk of you missing a calibration and getting a non-conformance in your audit.
Not only will you be rewarded with efficiency and audit risk reduction, you can also benefit from significant financial savings through having an accurate asset list when obtaining quotations from your calibration partner.
If your business doesn’t have a full and up to date asset list then don’t worry, you’re not alone. Over 50% of QA teams admit that their asset lists are not up to date. The challenge of asset management differs greatly from business to business but some of the most common reasons include:
Our resources are stretched further than ever; many roles have multiple responsibilities and in more recent times team members have been furloughed and are out of the business. Although having an up to date asset list is an important job, it’s not critical and often gets pushed down the priority list.
With assets often spanning multiple departments with different teams responsible for them, its hard to have one source of data and a single person responsible for the asset list collation.
For lists that do exist, they often fall short of all the relevant data that is required to accurately maintain the equipment. For example, a lack of model or serial number details can often lead to confusion of assets and traceability becomes much harder.
For many things, spreadsheets are great tools, but not the best when it comes to data asset management. They constantly need manually updating and that can be an onerous task for the person responsible, on top of the day to day workload. Online portals with real-time data updates are a much better way of managing your assets and cut a considerable amount of time out of the management process.
Having a dedicated Quality Manager isn’t always possible. It is not uncommon for businesses to share out this responsibility amongst multiple roles, but in doing so, the level of detail can differ across the asset list and between person to person.
Quantity discounts available when booking in 10 or more items for calibration.
If you don’t require a 5 day turnaround, you can qualify for further discounts depending on how long you can wait for your items to be calibrated.
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