Why having an accurate metrology equipment asset list is important
Creating an asset list can be a headache, we know! But while around 750 million people and 70% of organisations use spreadsheets to collate and manage data – and despite the fact there is a World Excel Championship – when it comes to creating a detailed list of your metrology and weighing equipment, spreadsheets (no matter how much enthusiasm you may muster for them) don’t provide the best ‘formula’ for success….
Here’s why a reliable asset list collation and management system can add more value than a spreadsheet, by giving you extra confidence in the accuracy of your data…
Firstly, we know creating an asset list is a time-consuming process – with potentially thousands of pieces of calibration equipment on site, for many businesses it can be a daunting task. But the benefits of keeping an accurate asset list far outweigh the administrative burden that comes with it – and more importantly, it is a crucial step in ensuring your equipment calibrations and periodical audits proceed without a glitch. But not every business can spare the resource needed to invest in this important step.
With a few tweaks, however, this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, it is one step that can be simplified – while hugely improving your calibration process.
Why keep an asset list?
It goes without saying that every business will have their own set of internal processes for managing calibrations. With so much data to keep track of, keeping an accurate list is a common area businesses struggle with and 50% of QA teams admit their asset lists are out of date! (So, rest assured: you are not alone.)
However, putting in the work upfront to create an accurate list saves a huge amount of time in the long run, giving you swifter audits, asset traceability at your fingertips, and significantly reducing the risk of non-conformance when it comes to audits. It also puts you on the stepladder for creating a more efficient calibration process.
For any QA team, it is a crucial task.
The challenges
Despite this, many businesses still find the process challenging due to a range of factors, which include:
- Insufficient support – Many businesses don’t have a dedicated Quality Manager or team to manage the process, meaning this responsibility is often shared out among multiple roles. Hence, the level of detail can often differ across the asset list!
- Separate departments – Assets will often span multiple departments with different teams (each with their own procedure) responsible for them, making it hard to have one source of data.
- Lack of time – Keeping an up-to-date asset list can fall down the priority list, with many businesses simply unable to dedicate the time needed to maintain it correctly.
So how can you better harmonise the process, while reducing your risks and the time it takes to build an accurate asset list?
Spreadsheet vs software
Firstly, the old spreadsheet vs software debate. Many of us tend to have a complicated relationship with spreadsheets, which can be a great tool for many things – from creating task lists to managing budgets – but when it comes to data asset management, they don’t offer the most reliable companion (you can take our Word for it).
Accuracy is very important for calibration management – and one small error can equal a huge problem!
With an estimated 88% of spreadsheets including mistakes, those errors can be costly when it comes to calibrations. Using an online portal with real-time data updates is a much more reliable way of managing your assets.
Many ‘spreadsheet databases’ also become quickly obsolete as the administrative upkeep falls down the priorities list. It’s a sad fact but, despite the amazing functions they come with, spreadsheets can be pretty hard to maintain.
This is where using the right software adds value …
How to collate and store your data (accurately)
Building and maintaining an accurate asset list is no easy task. It’s not a simple case of logging data into a spreadsheet.
With our asset collation service, Asset Scan, our calibration experts can help free up another valuable asset: time. Our calibration experts will attend your site and perform a search for all of your metrology and weighing assets to build a detailed asset list for you – taking all the hassle out of the process.
After your asset scan appointment has taken place, we’ll log the data in our Calibration Hub, which can then be used to manage your entire metrology calibration schedule and ensure you are audit-ready going forward.
What you gain:
- A hassle-free service – no need to find the resource or time to collate an asset list yourself, meaning less detraction from your day-to-day business.
- Highly skilled calibration engineers – who will complete the search and ensure every single detail needed is captured correctly.
- Access to the Calibration Hub, an easy-to-use online portal – to store and manage your asset list and use as a central source of data for all departments to share.
To speak to our experts about arranging an Asset Scan appointment, or to find out more about the Calibration Hub, click here to contact our team. We’d love to hear from you!